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San Antonio Business Trusts
Shawn McCammon
Shawn McCammon
Attorney at Law

Shawn McCammon is the founder and managing shareholder of McCammon Law. Shawn has been practicing for over 20 years, starting off in litigation before working in-house as a corporate attorney, and finally opening his own firm in 2009.

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Unlocking Business Trusts

July 26, 2024
Business trusts provide San Antonio entrepreneurs with robust asset protection and liability management. By collaborating with a business law attorney, you can establish a tailored business trust that is properly funded to enhance operational flexibility and safeguard your venture.

Entrepreneurs in San Antonio continuously seek robust mechanisms to safeguard their assets and navigate liabilities within the intricate landscape of business ownership. Enter the realm of business trusts—a lesser-known yet powerful tool entrepreneurs can leverage to secure their ventures. Based on insights from SmartAsset's article, “What Is a Business Trust and How Does It Work,” we’ll delve into the intricacies of business trusts, uncovering their nuances and exploring their potential advantages and drawbacks.

Decoding Business Trusts: A Primer

At the heart of business trusts lies a fundamental premise: delegating authority to manage a beneficiary stake in a business. Functionally akin to individual or family trusts, business trusts serve as legal instruments facilitating asset management on behalf of the grantor.

A business trust holds the rights to an individual's stake in a business entity. In essence, the trust, as a legal entity, owns the business. With the potential to shield against taxes and liability, business trusts offer a compelling avenue for entrepreneurs seeking robust asset protection.

Understanding the Mechanics: How Business Trusts Operate

Creating a business trust typically starts with deliberations between involved parties and a business law attorney like Shawn McCammon at McCammon Law. This legal instrument, known as a declaration of trust, formalizes the terms governing the trust's operation.

Central to the trust's dynamics is the fiduciary duty entrusted to the trustee—the individual responsible for managing the trust's assets in the best interests of beneficiaries. This fiduciary obligation underscores the trustee's paramount responsibility to act prudently and diligently.

Exploring Business Trust Varieties: A Spectrum of Options

Just as individual trusts come in various forms, business trusts exhibit diversity in structure and function. Here's a breakdown of the primary categories:

  • Grantor Trust: Characterized by the grantor's control over trust assets and taxation, this trust type offers a self-contained framework for asset management.
  • Simple Trust: Operating under IRS verification, this trust directly distributes profits to beneficiaries without accessing principal assets.
  • Complex Trust: Offering greater flexibility, this trust type permits partial distribution of profits and contributions to external entities, such as charities.

Pros and Cons of Business Trusts: Weighing the Considerations

While business trusts present enticing benefits—from liability protection to enhanced privacy—they pose certain challenges. Here's a snapshot of the pros and cons:



  • Cost and Complexity: Establishing and maintaining a business trust can be expensive and legally intricate.
  • Legal Compliance Challenges: Navigating legal requirements and compliance hurdles can pose significant obstacles.
  • Lifetime Limitations: Business trusts are typically constrained by a maximum lifespan of 99 years, limiting multi-generational arrangements.

Steps to Establishing a Business Trust

If you're considering a business trust, the journey begins with competent legal guidance. Collaborate with a trust lawyer to navigate the intricacies of trust creation and ensure alignment with your business goals and objectives.

While establishing a business trust entails upfront costs and legal complexities, the potential benefits of asset protection and operational flexibility can be substantial. Before proceeding, it's crucial to weigh the key considerations and assess the suitability of a business trust for your unique circumstances.

Business Trusts Key Takeaways:

  • Early Consultation is Key: Engage with a trust lawyer early in the process to navigate legal complexities and ensure alignment with your business objectives.
  • Deliberate Consideration is Essential: Thoroughly assess the pros and cons of a business trust, weighing factors such as cost, complexity, and compliance.
  • Tailored Solutions Yield Optimal Results: Customize your business trust to align with your unique needs, leveraging its flexibility to achieve optimal asset protection and operational efficiency.


Ready to embark on your journey towards enhanced asset protection and operational flexibility? Request a consultation with McCammon Law, P.C. today and explore the transformative potential of business trusts tailored specifically for San Antonio businesses.

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